Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thunderbird Cafe, Wellington

Thunderbird Cafe, Wellington.  Might buy again, if I forget this experience. $4. 5/10

Long time no review - won't bother with justifying the absence, but here's the latest sampling.

Thunderbird Cafe's caramel slice looked a promising slice in the more 'elegant' category.  I forgot to ask if it was made on site, but didn't reek of it.  Then again, wouldn't be suprised if it was.

Caramel was fine, chocolate ok, a sniff grainy, and the base non-offensive.  It's not that there was anything wrong with this (other than the lack of coconut a purely personal preference..) - it's just that nothing really stood out.  It was forgettable.  I forgot to bother finishing it.  Good thing I had company to polish it off.